Now in its fifth generation, Collins Powder Hill Farm continues to benefit from the fertile soils and hard work that have sustained agriculture in the Connecticut River Valley for centuries.
Today they are primarily a dairy and composting business, milking approximately 75 Holstein and Jersey cows. Every cow at their farm has a name, as well as her own unique personality!
There’s no need for a tanker visit to Trinity Farm, a 2016 Green Pasture Award winner, Connecticut’s Dairy Farm of the Year, prides itself on its self-reliance. At this operation, fluid milk, butter, yogurt, kefir, and cheese are processed at the plant on site.
Hastings Farm is a multi-generational dairy farm which began when Howard Hastings diversified the family’s tobacco farm by adding a small dairy herd.
Today, the fourth generation milks a mix of approximately 100 Holsteins and Jerseys in the dairy herd. The cattle range in age from just shy of 12 years old to only a few days. Visitors are always welcome to come meet the cows that make your milk and learn about the farm.