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Downloadable Dairy Rack Cards

On Demand Training Videos

Every dairy farm does things a little differently
to achieve the same goal of running a successful, sustainable operation while taking care of their cows and the land. We will teach farmers how to share their farm story with the public while highlighting the practices and technology that make them unique.

How to handle difficult questions, whether from media or members of their community, while sharing a positive dairy story.

Advertise with Facebook and Instagram Campaigns with Kiley Cairns

How to use paid social media campaigns to take your advertising strategy to the next level.

CT Dairy logo

Check out the Connecticut Grown Store for CT Dairy promotional items.

A crisis can happen at any time and take many different forms.  Staying calm, cool, and collected in the moment is essential.  Many emergencies can be mitigated with a quick and appropriate response.  Before the event happens reflect on the following questions.  

Learn more about what your dollars are doing to help. Visit our Dairy Checkoff page to listen to the latest podcast and articles from Dairy Management Inc. 



