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Strengthen Your Bones and Energy with Dairy Nutrition

Maintaining strong and healthy bones is essential to stay active and resilient at all stages of our lives and...

Dairy and Vitamin D: Staying Healthy in the Dark Winter Months

As the days grow shorter and the cold winter months settle in, it becomes increasingly important to focus on...

CT Dairy Farmers: A Day in the Life on the Farm

For Connecticut’s dairy farmers, providing fresh milk each day begins long before the sun rises. From the early morning,...

Essential Dairy Tips For Back-to-School

For school-aged children, dairy provides essential nutrients that are part of a healthy and balanced diet. For back-to-school season,...

Celebremos Juntos los Beneficios de los Lácteos.

Junio es el Mes Nacional de los Lácteos, una oportunidad emocionante para celebrar y reconocer el papel que los...

Celebrate Dairy’s Benefits During June Dairy Month

June is National Dairy Month, an exciting opportunity to celebrate and recognize the role dairy has in our lives,...

Sustainability at the Heart of Connecticut Dairy Farms

Connecticut’s dairy farmers are not only producing fresh and nutritious milk, but they are also leading the way in...

6 Dairy Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

In today’s world where nutritional information flows abundantly and there are many products trying to mimic the natural benefits...

Tips to Eat and Stay Healthy

This time of year is marked with family get togethers, celebrations, resolutions and, for many of us, overeating. While...

How Does Cow’s Milk Compare to Plant-Based Alternatives?

Visit any supermarket today and the shelves are stocked with numerous dairy options, many of which cater to different...

5 Reasons to Choose Milk Over Water for Hydration

When it comes to hydration, not all drinks are made the same. Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining overall...

Celebrate Dairy Month By Visiting a Local Dairy Farm

June is National Dairy Month and a time to celebrate the contributions dairy farmers make to our daily lives...

Is Cheese Good for You?

From sweet, salty, sharp and smoky to buttery, creamy and yeasty – and several more in between – there...

How CT Dairy Farmers Practice Sustainability Everyday

Whether it’s a glass of refreshing milk, a decadent ice cream or a creamy yogurt, we enjoy many different...

6 Prácticas de Sostenibilidad que los Granjeros Lecheros de Connecticut Implementan a Diario

No hay duda de que todos tenemos nuestras razones para elegir disfrutar de un vaso de leche, un helado...

¿Los Lácteos Son Buenos Para Ti?

Con tantos titulares confusos sobre los beneficios de los lácteos y la prevalencia de imitadores de los lácteos en...

Is Dairy Good for You?

With so many confusing headlines about the benefits of dairy and the prevalence dairy imitators in the market, many...

E-Recipe Book with Fast and Easy Ideas Now Available

Fast, easy, economical.  With our busy lives, these are 3 of the most important things that many of us...

5 New Year’s Resolutions from CT Dairy Farmers

The start of the year is a time when many people look to make a fresh start and it’s...

5 Delicious and Unique Holiday Gift Ideas from CT Dairy Farms

Looking for the perfect gift for a loved or for that hard to shop for person on this holiday...

5 Ways Milk Helps Address Food Insecurity

While many people look forward to the holidays and getting together with family to enjoy meals together, about 1...

3 Maneras de Celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana

Connecticut es hogar de una población hispana vibrante y en crecimiento. De hecho, el porcentaje de hispanos en este...

3 Ways to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

Connecticut is home to a vibrant and growing Hispanic population. In fact, the Hispanic population has grown considerably from...

5 Ways Dairy Helps Students Succeed

Despite knowing about the importance of breakfast to start our day on the right foot, many people often skip...

5 Maneras en que los Productos Lácteos Ayudan a los Estudiantes a Tener Éxito

A pesar de conocer la importancia del desayuno para empezar el día con el pie derecho, muchas personas suelen...

5 Ways Farmers Keep Cows Cool in Summer

Summers in Connecticut can get hot and have us looking for cool escapes like swimming in a pool or...

Dairy’s Importance at Each Life Stage

From infants to older adults, dairy plays an important role in healthy eating patterns across our entire lifespan.  This...

7 Recipe Ideas for Dad on Father’s Day

As the saying goes, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach and that is especially true...

Social Ambassadors 

Connecticut Milk Promotion Board contracted with New England Dairy with a focused effort to increase engagement, expand communication channels,...

School Support & Activities

Engaging students and kids with positive dairy farming content is an important part of growing future consumers.  While parents...

Did You Know Cows Have Their Own Nutritionist?  

Dairy cows, like humans, have certain nutritional needs to keep them healthy.  Dairy farmers work with dairy nutritionists who...

How do dairy farmers keep cows comfortable?  

Did you know a farmer’s top priority is to ensure cow comfort? It’s true! Farmers work hard every day...

Farming is Tough, Here’s Why We Chose It 

There is an agricultural meme I’ve seen on social media with a picture of cows eating hay, with a...

Dairy Farmers are People Too

Life as a dairy farmer may conjure up an idyllic scene of someone in coveralls, with calloused hands, and...

Why I Share my Dairy Farming Journey

Hello, I am Grace Peckham! I am the seventh generation on my family’s farm, Elm Farm, located in eastern Connecticut,...

Caring for Cows and Newborn Calves (Pt 2) 

This past summer, we had three calves born on the farm, all three with different experiences.  Ivory gave birth...

Caring for Cows and Newborn Calves (Pt 1)

Sometimes being a dairy farmer feels like working in the birth center of your local hospital.  Every year we...

Spring on the Farm

Warmer nights and softening soils thawing from the harsh winter are welcome signs of spring.  As the peepers start...

5 Ways to Spoil Mom on Mother’s Day

Giving mom a Mother’s Day she will treasure doesn’t have to mean spending a lot of money on big...

5 Ways Dairy Farms Practice Sustainability

Did you know that Connecticut milk not only provides 13 essential nutrients in every glass, but it also serves...

Milk’s Journey from Farm to Table

While we check the sell-by date on milk before buying it, it can be easy to overlook how it...

7 Dairy Benefits to Learn About during National Nutrition Month

While nutrition is something we think about every month, March is National Nutrition Month and a perfect time to...

With Only a Click You Can Support Local Farmers

For the last two years, COVID-19 has changed the way consumers obtain their food. Online shopping has gained further...

Lactose Intolerance: What You Need to Know

Today, lactose intolerance is a popular term; however, there are many misconceptions surrounding this type of food sensitivity. In...

Intolerancia a la Lactosa: Lo Que Necesitas Saber

En la actualidad, la intolerancia a la lactosa es un término popular; sin embargo, existen muchos conceptos erróneos en...

3 Smoothies to Help Your New Year’s Resolutions

Improving one’s health, whether through better diet and/or exercise, is at the top of the list for most people’s New Year’s Resolutions.  Yet,...

6 Things About Winter Cow Care That Will Surprise You

There are many ways we can keep ourselves comfortable during the chill of winter. A warm cup of hot...

5 Decadent Holiday Recipes to Treat Your Guests

Treat your loved ones to these 5 Holiday recipes. Being a gracious host is easy with a bit of planning allowing you to share good...

7 Delicious Thanksgiving Recipes to Impress Your Family

Thanksgiving is a time for celebrating with family and friends and giving thanks. Tradition calls for a turkey to...

5 Reasons Chocolate Milk is the Official Drink of Halloween

The night will soon be filled with little ghosts and goblins trick-or-treating from house to house for some spooky...

Can Milk Help Strengthen Your Immune System?

While there are no direct, science-based links between diet and exercise and boosting your immune system, it doesn’t mean...

3 Ways Breakfast Helps Kids Going Back to School

We’ve heard time and again that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. As Connecticut schools begin...

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